Dear Friend,

Please allow me to extend my deepest condolences if this letter finds you in the hours and days after you have lost a loved one.
I have a deep devotion in my heart for those experiencing grief, and my desire is to in some small way be a messenger of peace.

I am here to offer my services as a funeral singer.
My services are just that, a service. 
Any donations will be graciously accepted, but absolutely no money is needed to book my voice. 
I am available for services on Saturdays and Sundays only,  as I work Monday-Friday.

I offer the following songs a cappella  

Amazing Grace
Nearer My God to Thee
For the Beauty of The Earth
Come Thou Fount
Lead Kindly Light
Abide with Me 
Rock of Ages 
The Star Spangled Banner

To hear samples of my voice, click the links bellow

Please feel free to email, text or call regarding my availability

Jean Baker 